Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 35.611763, -83.489548.
Located right on the border between Tennessee and North Carolina, Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a large preserve located high in the Great Smoky Mountains. It is in the list of UNISCO World Heritage, it is named among the most visited national parks of the country. Tourists come to the park for sightseeing, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, taking part in numerous events and recreation programs. There are some historic parts in the park, which include old shelters, some old buildings and constructions which also are the points of interest for some tourists.
Where is Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA on Map?
Road map of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA is 35.611763, and the longitude is -83.489548. Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA is located at United States country in the National Parks place category with the gps coordinates of 35° 36' 42.3468'' N and 83° 29' 22.3728'' W.
Country | United States |
Latitude | 35.611763 |
Longitude | -83.489548 |
DMS Lat | 35° 36' 42.3468'' N |
DMS Long | 83° 29' 22.3728'' W |
UTM Easting | 274,505.33 |
UTM Northing | 3,943,742.36 |
Category | National Parks |
Country Code | US |
Zoom Level | 9 |
Coordinates of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, USA is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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