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Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 51.813297, 4.690093.

Dordrecht, also known as Dort, is a large city and municipality in South Holland province, the Netherlands, as a part of a huge metropolitan area of Rotterdam. This territory was populated since the early epochs, and it survived numerous rulers and governors. It is the oldest city in the region. The main attractions of Dordrecht include the Augustijnenkerk, Kyck over den Dyck, Arend Maartenshof, the Munt van Holland, The Groothoofdspoort, Binnenvaartmuseum, etc. The city is subdivided into 27 districts, neighborhoods, and hamlets, including Binnenstad, Reeland, De Staart, and so on.

Where is Dordrecht, The Netherlands on Map?

Road map of Dordrecht, The Netherlands shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Dordrecht, The Netherlands Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Dordrecht, The Netherlands is 51.813297, and the longitude is 4.690093. Dordrecht, The Netherlands is located at Netherlands country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 51° 48' 47.8692'' N and 4° 41' 24.3348'' E.

Dordrecht, The Netherlands Geographic Information
DMS Lat51° 48' 47.8692'' N
DMS Long4° 41' 24.3348'' E
UTM Easting616,503.90
UTM Northing5,741,623.66
Country CodeNL
Zoom Level10

Coordinates of Dordrecht, The Netherlands is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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