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Cache Creek, BC, Canada

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 50.810810, -121.323326.

Cache Creek is a small village named after the creek located in British Columbia, Canada. It was incorporated in 1959. It is located on the Trans-Canada Highway. The village is famoufor s with amazing views and unique local culture. Located near famous national parks like Arrowstone Provincial Park and accommodation options like a campground, the village attracts tourists every year.

Where is Cache Creek, BC, Canada on Map?

Road map of Cache Creek, BC, Canada shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Cache Creek, BC, Canada

Cache Creek, BC, Canada Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Cache Creek, BC, Canada is 50.810810, and the longitude is -121.323326. Cache Creek, BC, Canada is located at Canada country in the Villages place category with the gps coordinates of 50° 48' 38.9160'' N and 121° 19' 23.9736'' W.

Cache Creek, BC, Canada Geographic Information
DMS Lat50° 48' 38.9160'' N
DMS Long121° 19' 23.9736'' W
UTM Easting618,125.97
UTM Northing5,630,126.37
Country CodeCA
Zoom Level13

Coordinates of Cache Creek, BC, Canada is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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