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Brampton, ON, Canada

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 43.683334, -79.766670.

Brampton is a large city in southeastern Ontario, Canada located on Etobicoke Creek in the neighborhood of Mississauga and used to be known as The Flower Town of Canada. It was incorporated as a city in 1974. Its economy is mainly based on automotive manufacturing, food distribution, technology, paper, and brick production. Brampton has a total area of 102 sq miles and is part of The Regional Municipality of Peel that consists of Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, and the town of Caledon. The city is home to Peel Memorial Hospital (PMH), Sheridan College, and other educational and medical institutions.
The local landmarks and attractions include Dominion Building, Claireville Conservation Area, Heart Lake Conservation Area, Professor's Lake Recreation Centre, Professor's Lake, Treetop Trekking, Camp Naivelt, Peel Art Gallery Museum & Archive (PAMA), Rose Theatre, Great War Flying Museum, Donald M. Gordon Chinguacousy Park, Gage Park, Chinguacousy Park, The Apple Factory, Brampton Jain Temple, CAA Centre, Historic Bovaird House, Bramalea City Centre, Shoppers World, and so on. Toronto Pearson International Airport (CYYZ) is the largest and busiest airport in the country and is located about 10 miles away from the city center.

Where is Brampton, ON, Canada on Map?

Road map of Brampton, ON, Canada shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Brampton, ON, Canada

Brampton, ON, Canada Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Brampton, ON, Canada is 43.683334, and the longitude is -79.766670. Brampton, ON, Canada is located at Canada country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 43° 41' 0.0024'' N and 79° 46' 0.0120'' W.

Brampton, ON, Canada Geographic Information
DMS Lat43° 41' 0.0024'' N
DMS Long79° 46' 0.0120'' W
UTM Easting599,405.90
UTM Northing4,837,441.43
Country CodeCA
Zoom Level11

Coordinates of Brampton, ON, Canada is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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