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Bhakkar, Pakistan

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 31.633333, 71.066666.

Bhakkar (بھکر) is one of the large cities in Pakistan and the main city of the same name province. It is located to the north of Behal and south of Kotla Jam. It is famous for its multicultural and multilingual community. It is also a historic city with numerous historic monuments and relics, which attract tourists every year. Qasr e Zainab is among the points of interest in the area. Bhakkar Railway Station serves the city. It also has a few schools, parks, and stores.

Where is Bhakkar, Pakistan on Map?

Road map of Bhakkar, Pakistan shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Bhakkar, Pakistan

Bhakkar, Pakistan Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Bhakkar, Pakistan is 31.633333, and the longitude is 71.066666. Bhakkar, Pakistan is located at Pakistan country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 31° 37' 59.9988'' N and 71° 3' 59.9976'' E.

Bhakkar, Pakistan Geographic Information
DMS Lat31° 37' 59.9988'' N
DMS Long71° 3' 59.9976'' E
UTM Easting695,999.76
UTM Northing3,501,649.07
Country CodePK
Zoom Level12

Coordinates of Bhakkar, Pakistan is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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Munawar Mannan 2023-11-17 00:16:20

Nice place, in my list of places to visit.