The latitude 46.389669 and longitude 6.251465 shown on map.
GPS coordinates: 46° 23' 22.8084'' N 6° 15' 5.2740'' E
Satellite map of 46.389669, 6.251465 Coordinates
Geographic Info
Latitude |
46.389669 |
Longitude |
6.251465 |
DMS Lat |
46° 23' 22.8084'' N |
DMS Long |
6° 15' 5.2740'' E |
Sun Info | Begin | End |
Sunrise Sunset | 05:46:01 | 17:41:21 |
Civil Twilight | 05:16:09 | 18:11:13 |
Nautical Twilight | 04:41:04 | 18:46:18 |
Astronomical Twilight | 04:05:14 | 19:22:08 |
Note that the sun info times may vary due to time zones.
UTM Easting |
UTM Northing |
UTM Zone |
288,677.35 |
5,141,015.22 |
32T |