Moscow State University, Russia
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 55.702888, 37.530582.
Moscow State University is the principal educational establishment in Moscow, Russia. It is a public teaching and research institution founded on 23 January 1755. The number of academic staff members is 5,000, and the number of students, both undergraduate and postgraduate students, has recently reached 47,000. Its main building was the tallest in Europe till 1990. The Main building consists of the Museum of Earth Sciences, the administration, as well as four faculties: Mechanics and Mathematics, Geography, Fine and Performing Arts, and Geology. There are a few parks and a botanical garden on the campus.
Where is Moscow State University, Russia on Map?
Road map of Moscow State University, Russia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Moscow State University, Russia
Moscow State University, Russia Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Moscow State University, Russia is 55.702888, and the longitude is 37.530582. Moscow State University, Russia is located at Russia country in the Universities place category with the gps coordinates of 55° 42' 10.3968'' N and 37° 31' 50.0952'' E.
Country | Russia |
Latitude | 55.702888 |
Longitude | 37.530582 |
DMS Lat | 55° 42' 10.3968'' N |
DMS Long | 37° 31' 50.0952'' E |
UTM Easting | 407,657.47 |
UTM Northing | 6,173,990.95 |
Category | Universities |
Country Code | RU |
Zoom Level | 15 |
Coordinates of Moscow State University, Russia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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- Moscow State University, Russia (55.702888, 37.530582)
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